319 this morning! Woo HOO!
So I took a few moments and snagged some pictures from when I was losing weight in 2006-2007. I know nobody reads this, so more than anything its just some motivation for myself.
Early September 2006... Sitting at about 290 lbs or so.
Late November 2007. Down to about 270. Its amazing how much those 20 lbs made a difference
Spring (March/April-ish)... 240ish.
Easter 2007 (April). 240ish. Look how sad little Miss O looks. I picked up that dress in Paris by the way. :)
Easter 2007 with my sisters. Hard to believe that was over 5 years ago now. 240ish.
Early June 2007. One of the last pictures we had, just the three of us. About a week later J was born. Just under 230 here.
Dad refuses to open his eyes for pictures. But that's me and little man just an hour or so after he was born.
Architecture Gala in Richmond at a conference I had spoken at. Probably about 240 there.
Just a few of the smartest people in the world at a conference in Greenwich London (minus myself of course). L to R: Alex Hylands- Master Plasterer, Bill Revie- Material Scientist, Paul Livesey- Chemist, Dad- Master Bricklayer, Gerard Lynch- Master Bricklayer, Doctor, and published Author on Georgian Brickwork. I'm probably around 240 lbs here.
Dad, Graham Campbell-Master Mason, and I enjoying a pint on a Thames River Cruise. Still about 240 lbs.
Two shots of me at a conference in October of 2007. Still sitting at about 240 lbs, maybe a little less. But I suppose as I had not really been gaining weight, my skin was tightening, making me look a little thinner.
The Prices, Easter 2008. Weight starting to come back on, Probably about 250-260 there, but I've always liked this picture.
There's the blog for the day. Enjoy. I've kinda dug this trip down memory lane.