Monday, December 19, 2011
Well, that definitely wasn't good for the waistline
It started with a little cheese and crackers, then they had hot wings. Having had a little turkey and ham at Thanksgiving with no ill effects, I said I'd have one. That became two. Then 3. I think it was the fourth that did me in. After putting it down, I found myself outside ready to throw up (which fortunately did not happen). There were cake pops (delicious), and doughnuts. I went to bed feeling exceptionally stuffed.
As my body has been adjusting to waking up to work out, I found myself up at 5:00 on Saturday. So, as the family would still be in bed for another 2 hours, I hauled my butt to the gym. 20 minutes on the bike, 30 minutes of lower body. Felt good about myself, getting my workout in on a Saturday morning. Came home and made some breakfast for the family (Chocolate French Toast (yes I had a piece) for everyone and an egg white omelet with sharp cheddar, spinach, and tomatoes for me. Delish. Lunch at Ruby Tuesday was moderately good (salad bar, Thai-Phoon Shrimp), but dinner was BAD. The kids were at a "parent's date night" provided by our son's daycare, so we hit up one of our date spots. Walnut Salmon on Parmesan Risotto with Wilted Greens. Not bad, relatively smaller portion size, so I felt okay. Then our server mentioned coconut cake. I have to admit, I make a mean coconut cake. 6 layers, torted, with buttercream and toasted coconut. It is good. REAL good. So, I figured, I'm curious... let's grab a piece. The cake was tasty (not as good as mine), but the slice was HUMONGOUS. Definitely designed for 2 people. Mrs. P doesn't dig coconut, so guess who ate pretty much the whole thing, and paid for it dearly on the scale. This guy.
But, Monday morning rolled around and I was back at the gym. 20 minutes cardio, 30 minutes upper body. And today, I'm feeling good. I've really lost focus of how much water I should be drinking. The past week I've been living off of Diet Dr. Pepper. So, today, I have had more than 10 glasses of water as of this post. True, I'm heading to the bathroom every 15 minutes, but my cravings to eat are down and I definitely don't feel as sluggish.
Well, there it is. The start of the second week of working out/watching what I'm eating... fa la la la la la la la la.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Holiday weekend=bad for the waistline
Friday, December 16, 2011
Day 5!
DC was a successful trip. Met my new rep, a young guy who has studied art history abroad and had a really strong grasp on our products. Our old rep, Cpt. Apollo, will be missed, but I've got great hopes for the new guy. Very productive conversation over Spinach Quesadillas (heavy on the Spinach), rice, and refried beans.
Because my meeting lasted a bit longer, and I made an unanticipated stop, I didn't have a lot of time at Union Station before the trip back to Lburg. I did check out a tie shop and found that they sold adjustable bow ties. I have always loved the look and dare I say prepadelic elegance that is a bow tie. However, with the majority of my adult life with a size 19-20 neck, I've not been in luck for something that fits. The guy in the store got me set up with three, and even tied one on for me. Upon returning home, it hit me that I did not know how to untie it. (Don't worry, I figured it out).
While at Union Station I stepped out for a smoke (yes, I know I should quit), where I was approached by a young man hoping to bum a cigarette. Just FYI, I always keep Menthol cigs and regular cigs available (I'm an eclectic nicotine fiend). I offered a menthol (which I had in my pocket), and he turned his nose up. So, I offered him a Pall Mall (el cheapo but decent). He scoffed, but ended up taking one. WTF? Beggers can't be choosers. Sorry I didn't have your brand available, but I did give you a choice.
As the train entered into the station, I looked out the window to see Mrs. P and the monkeys waiting along the fence next to the tracks. There is nothing that is more awesome to me than getting picked up at an airport or train station. The happiness to see each other, the immediate hugs and kisses. Its a good feeling. The conductor was gracious enough to let me bring the kids on board to check it out. So, all in all good trip.
Great workout this morning. 20 minutes on the bike, 30 minutes of lower body (and rows, which I forgot yesterday). Still getting up at 4:00 am to get it done, but although I'm dead assed tired at the end of the day, I'm actually able to get up in the morning pretty easily. Lunch with Mrs. P and ORP at the local Italian joint. I'm going to do everything in my power to pass on the cheese pizza and cannoli. I'm thinking a hot veggie sub and salad might be in order.
TONIGHT, is a big problem though. Most Fridays, the family heads over to Happy Hour Lane where a group of friends gather for cocktails and hors d'oeveurs (god, I hope that's spelled right). Even when I'm on my best behavior, I still end up over doing it. I'm hopeful that I can withstand the power of chocolate dipped cream cheese/oreo balls. OH MY!
That's my story today. As tomorrow is a SATURDAY, I'm hoping to get to sleep until about 6:00 before waking up. But who knows, my body might be achin for a workout a few hours earlier. Gotta love 24 hour gyms.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Day 4...ugh
Monday, December 12, 2011
An update
My wife has been vegetarian for years, and after seeing an article about Bill Clinton and his diet, I thought I'd give it a try. Well, after a month and a half, I decided to "cheat" a little and grab a cheese pizza. I've not been on track since. I like the way I feel when I'm eating vegan. I feel more energetic, lighter, and better. But cheese is addictive, as is butter. But I might share some vegan recipes along the way. I've developed some nice vegan alternatives to some of my favorite soul foods. With the exception of Thanksgiving Day (when I had a little turkey and ham), I have been pescatarian for the past few months. I'm not huge on the labels, I'm eating what I feel like eating, and I haven't really felt like I've NEEDED red meat or poultry.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Okay, so it's been my intention to post at least once a day, if anything just my stats for a record. But there's been a lot going on at home and a lot going on at the office. So full update in the morning, complete with stats and musings. But for now, sleep. Gonna try a 5:00am walk tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Weigh In
Monday, August 1, 2011
Workout 8/1
Some stats
Five years in the making...
So I did. Now, I deal with uncertain situations by joking and talking. I mess with the nurses and joke with the doctors as a defense mechanism. I always have. Of course, as a proud papa of the most beautiful girl ever born, I was bragging and showing off pictures of my little Olivia. I was told my blood pressure through the roof and that she was almost certain that I had sleep apnea (keep in mind, at this point I was 27 years old), but, and I'll never forget this, she told me: "If you keep this up you won't see your daughter graduate high school."
Talk about the floor dropping from beneath your feet. Sure, I knew my weight was bad, but seriously? I wouldn't be alive in 20 years? It was a slap in the face and the motivation I needed. I left the doctor's office sobbing, and pulled into my local greasy spoon, ordered my regular meal (greasy burger with egg and relish, bowl of chili, and coke, followed by a piece of pie), and said that my life changed now.
And it did.
I started at 341.1 lbs. At first, it was 10 lbs down, then 20, then 30. After about 3 months I was under 300 pounds for the first time since I'd been married.
I tried to maintain a diet of about 1800 calories a day, and every morning around 5:30 I popped in my Biggest Loser DVD and me and Bob would have about 20 minutes together. And the weight just kept falling off. Soon we learned we were going to be parents again (a little more stamina I suppose?!) and by Thanksgiving of 2006 I was down to 275. By Christmas...260, my birthday in January 250. As my wife's stomach grew with our child, my stomach continued to shrink.