Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Weigh In

So you've got to love the 2nd day after a "gorging". Down to 298.8. Under 300!

Last night for dinner I came home to Laura wilting spinach and garlic, sauteing up some asparagus, and roasting red potatoes. She was kind enough to run to the butcher shop and picked me up a 1/4 pound of ribeye, tenderloin, and sirloin that had been ground together. I made 3 patties, sprinkled them with some seasoned salt and garlic salt and out to the grill. They were DELICIOUS.

I woke up this morning and popped in the Biggest Loser and did about 25 minutes of cardio. Breakfast was a McDonalds Egg McMuffin. I'm having lunch with a friend, so I'm thinking a grilled buffalo chicken tenders salad, and then for dinner, Mexican with friends. Probably looking at a 1/2 order Fajitas Texanas (no tortillas).

There you go. No major words of insight or anything, just a little glimpse into the day. Now back to work.

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