Monday, August 1, 2011

Workout 8/1

My first official workout. I'm teasing with the idea of doing Body for Life exercises (decreasing number of reps with increasing weight, with a power burst at the end). Today, I did the decreasing reps but not the increasing of weight. I worked out Saturday (to prime myself) and I am SORE today. I made it through ok. So this week I'm lifting MWF (upper body, lower body, and upper body) and T Th and Sat, I'm going to do cardio. Hadn't quite made up my mind what kind of cardio yet. I'm also thinking I'm going to start walking in the evenings. We live in a great neighborhood for a leisurely stroll.

Food wise has been interesting today. Yesterday I felt the need to gorge myself (cuz I'm going to be good tomorrow, right?) Steak and Eggs with toast, then Ruby Tuesdays Salad bar with Mini-Burgers and then sausage, pepperoni, and fresh mozz at a local pizzeria. I woke up this morning feeling bad and actually not hungry at all. I snacked on some almonds through the morning (no more than 300 calories worth) and then for lunch had a vegan chicken salad (from EarthFare Food Store... amazing stuff) sandwich and two vegan chicken nuggets. My wife is a vegetarian and I am a fierce carnivore, but I have to admit the texture and flavor of these soy nuggets are amazing. For dinner, I've asked Laura to run to the butcher shop (sending a vegetarian to a butcher shop, I know right?) to ask them to grind 1/4 lb of sirloin, 1/4 lb of ribeye, and 1/4 lb of tenderloin together for me. I'm thinking with a little seasoned salt and garlic salt, a "triple steak" burger should be amazing with some wilted spinach. We shall see.

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