Monday, December 19, 2011

Well, that definitely wasn't good for the waistline

Well, like I mentioned on Friday, I was dreading "Happy Hour". This mostly weekly gathering is a smorgasbord of cheese, crackers, cookies, doughnuts (a first actually), and other things to bust a waistline. I had all intentions of being good. Unfortunately I failed miserably.

It started with a little cheese and crackers, then they had hot wings. Having had a little turkey and ham at Thanksgiving with no ill effects, I said I'd have one. That became two. Then 3. I think it was the fourth that did me in. After putting it down, I found myself outside ready to throw up (which fortunately did not happen). There were cake pops (delicious), and doughnuts. I went to bed feeling exceptionally stuffed.

As my body has been adjusting to waking up to work out, I found myself up at 5:00 on Saturday. So, as the family would still be in bed for another 2 hours, I hauled my butt to the gym. 20 minutes on the bike, 30 minutes of lower body. Felt good about myself, getting my workout in on a Saturday morning. Came home and made some breakfast for the family (Chocolate French Toast (yes I had a piece) for everyone and an egg white omelet with sharp cheddar, spinach, and tomatoes for me. Delish. Lunch at Ruby Tuesday was moderately good (salad bar, Thai-Phoon Shrimp), but dinner was BAD. The kids were at a "parent's date night" provided by our son's daycare, so we hit up one of our date spots. Walnut Salmon on Parmesan Risotto with Wilted Greens. Not bad, relatively smaller portion size, so I felt okay. Then our server mentioned coconut cake. I have to admit, I make a mean coconut cake. 6 layers, torted, with buttercream and toasted coconut. It is good. REAL good. So, I figured, I'm curious... let's grab a piece. The cake was tasty (not as good as mine), but the slice was HUMONGOUS. Definitely designed for 2 people. Mrs. P doesn't dig coconut, so guess who ate pretty much the whole thing, and paid for it dearly on the scale. This guy.

But, Monday morning rolled around and I was back at the gym. 20 minutes cardio, 30 minutes upper body. And today, I'm feeling good. I've really lost focus of how much water I should be drinking. The past week I've been living off of Diet Dr. Pepper. So, today, I have had more than 10 glasses of water as of this post. True, I'm heading to the bathroom every 15 minutes, but my cravings to eat are down and I definitely don't feel as sluggish.

Well, there it is. The start of the second week of working out/watching what I'm eating... fa la la la la la la la la.

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