Friday, January 18, 2013

Winter Wonderland

That's the view outside my office window this morning.  Winter Storm Iago (apparently naming every weather event is a thing now) came and went.  After 4 days of rain (and a couple of beautiful 70 degree days) we are now covered in a blanket of snow and frozen precipitation.  It was actually the perfect weather event for our family.  Mrs. P is a teacher so it was just enough to cancel schools, yet not enough to prevent me from going in to the office. 

Official weigh in for week two is 315.4 lbs.  Not bad, as it's more than 3 lbs down this week, but I kick myself realizing that if I was working out, I'd probably be another lb or so down.  

I'm actually kind of excited.  My first business trip of the year takes me to Philadelphia on Monday.  It's a quick trip (headed up on Sunday, back on Monday) but my hotel has a sweet looking indoor pool.  I never pack swimwear when I travel (as I'm normally too busy) but this looks really nice.  They also have a exercise room.  My PLAN (and its just a plan) is to work out at my gym Saturday and Sunday morning, then maybe have a swim Sunday evening at the hotel and then work out at the hotel Monday morning before my meetings.  That gives me three days in a row, which will hopefully start a trend.  We shall see.  
Laters for now, 


Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Headed on down the road. Actually squeezed into a size 42 jeans today, but they are still quite snug.  Oh well.

Sorry for the lack of charming commentary or quick wit... Busy working on a couple of projects.  

And yes... still no exercise.  Dammit!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Not a lot to report today

So, I really don't have that much to report today.  No workouts (this has got to be rectified) and no great epiphanies.  Weight is down a little bit, so that's good... sitting (unofficially) at 319.0 as my body sorts out the gorging that occurred over the weekend.

That's all.


Monday, January 14, 2013

Hot mess of a weekend.

So this weekend was kind of interesting as far as weight loss is concerned.  Definitely hit some highs... definitely hit some lows.

I finally made it to the gym on Saturday morning.  As I walked out, I opened up the blogger app on my phone and typed in the following

45 minutes, 2.6 miles, 500 cals.

Not a bad start to getting fit.  The thing that surprised me was the fact that out of those 45 minutes, 12 of them were running.  I had my headphones in listening to some 80's cardio on Pandora (which I highly recommend), so I have no idea how loud the clomping of my size 13 feet carrying 320ish pounds was in the gym, but I really, honestly did not care.  I wasn't able to pull 12 minutes in a row, but I did do 5 minutes, then walk, then another 5, then walk, and finished it up with 2 minutes.  So, I'm not too disappointed.

Friday night Mrs. P and I had a double date with another couple and against my good judgement, I had two drinks AND dessert... so that wasn't good.  Then Saturday we celebrated Miss O's 8th birthday, which included mexican.  I did good (fajita vegetables and meats, no tortillas, sour cream, etc.) and I did bad (tortilla chips, tortilla chips, tortilla chips).  I also tried to limit myself to just ONE cupcake, but we went bought said cupcakes at a cupcake boutique (which O ADORED) and had a million different flavors, so there was a lot of sampling of other cupcakes as well.

Saturday night, I went to the theatre and caught a one woman show that a friend was doing, and afterwards was invited to the same restaurant from friday night.  I gorged on chicken wings and martinis....

Sunday, O's official birthday, we told her that she could pick one meal and we would go where ever she wanted... which ended up being a breakfast buffet... damn.   Another cupcake, a snacky food dinner, followed by milkshakes.... yeah this weekend, with its wonderful workout... was a gastronomical nightmare.

Weight this morning:  322.  Good thing I have 5 days til my weigh in.


Friday, January 11, 2013

New look

So, I went a little crazy with the clippers last night, and am now almost completely clean shaven.  Mrs. P wasn't crazy about the look (as I've had some sort of facial hair for the past 15 years or so) but on the whole, I'm not so upset with it.  Makes me feel a little like a new man.  Oh well. 

Still making progress.  This morning was 318.4.  Not as huge as a jump as earlier this week, but progress nonetheless.  

I woke up early (no I didn't work out... that I've decided is going to start tomorrow, when I can sleep until 6:00 and THEN go to the gym, versus waking up at 4:00) and hit up Wal-Mart to grab some onions for dinner tonight.  Whilst there I decided to go to that little blood pressure station and check to see what it's doing. Surprisingly my BP was 125/86.  So, you know... that's good news.  

So there I am... Baby-ish-face Assassin that I am now.  

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Picture/Motivation Time

319 this morning!  Woo HOO!

So I took a few moments and snagged some pictures from when I was losing weight in 2006-2007.  I know nobody reads this, so more than anything its just some motivation for myself.

Early September 2006... Sitting at about 290 lbs or so.

Late November 2007.  Down to about 270.  Its amazing how much those 20 lbs made a difference

Spring (March/April-ish)... 240ish.  

Easter 2007 (April). 240ish.  Look how sad little Miss O looks.  I picked up that dress in Paris by the way. :)

Easter 2007 with my sisters.  Hard to believe that was over 5 years ago now.  240ish.

Early June 2007.  One of the last pictures we had, just the three of us.  About a week later J was born.  Just under 230 here.  

Dad refuses to open his eyes for pictures.  But that's me and little man just an hour or so after he was born.  

Architecture Gala in Richmond at a conference I had spoken at.  Probably about 240 there.  

Just a few of the smartest people in the world at a conference in Greenwich London (minus myself of course).  L to R: Alex Hylands- Master Plasterer, Bill Revie- Material Scientist, Paul Livesey- Chemist, Dad- Master Bricklayer, Gerard Lynch- Master Bricklayer, Doctor, and published Author on Georgian Brickwork. I'm probably around 240 lbs here. 

Dad, Graham Campbell-Master Mason, and I enjoying a pint on a Thames River Cruise. Still about 240 lbs.

 Two shots of me at a conference in October of 2007.  Still sitting at about 240 lbs, maybe a little less.  But I suppose as I had not really been gaining weight, my skin was tightening, making me look a little thinner.

The Prices, Easter 2008.  Weight starting to come back on, Probably about 250-260 there, but I've always liked this picture.

There's the blog for the day.  Enjoy.  I've kinda dug this trip down memory lane.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Well, that was a shocker....

Not the best pic, but a pretty happy Jeff this morning.  For some reason (and I will not tempt the Gods by trying to divine said reason) I woke up nearly 4 pounds lighter this morning.  Maybe its water weight, maybe it's because I'm willing myself into a lean mean fat losing machine, but I'm very happy this morning.  Weigh in at the house at 320.2.  Woot.

I'm still not working out, which I desperately need to do.  For some reason I just couldn't get to sleep last night.  I wouldn't call it insomnia, but I just was a little restless.  Anyway, 5:15 came and went, as did the alarms at 5:30, 5:45, and 6:00.  Oh well... here's hoping for under 320 tomorrow!